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Preparing for a psychological assessment

Preparing for a psychological assessment Preparing for a psychological…

Assessment of ADHD (Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder )

What is ADHD? Key features of Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD)…

7 ways to Reduce Stress

Stress is a term used to describe the physical, mental, and emotional responses…

Speaking to a psychologist for the first time

So, you have either received your Mental Health Care Plan from your local GP,…

Knowing your love language can help improve your relationship

What are Love Languages? Love languages were first described and developed by…

I was told psychology appointments are FREE?

There is a common misconception in society, where individuals believe either…

Tackling sleep issues in children

Sleep is an essential building block of your child’s mental and physical…

Time-Outs versus Time-Ins – How to discipline your child

There is so much debate and differing ideas and opinions in the parenting…

From negative to positive - Shining a light on your strengths

As humans we can tend to focus on what is not going well rather than what…

Am I a good enough parent?

Parenting is hard. Full stop. Parenting when you’ve never parented before is…